The Department of Energy (DOE) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) sponsors the Gertrude and Maurice Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowships Program. These prestigious Fellowships are awarded to candidates with exceptional talent and credentials who have a strong desire for independent research at the frontiers of their fields. The fellowships are three-year appointments and carry a starting annual salary of $105,500.
Candidates seeking a Goldhaber Fellowship must have a commitment of support from a prospective mentor here at the Lab. Before an application is submitted, prospective mentors must have an opening and be able to support the candidate at the standard starting salary for postdoctoral research associates for three years. The Fellowship program provides the additional funds to increase the salary to the stated level as well as a modest amount of independent funds for materials and supplies.
Candidates should be no more than three years past receipt of the Ph.D. at the time of the application. The intention of the program is to select individuals who would qualify for research staff positions at BNL upon completion of the appointment. For inquiries about the program, please contact Kathleen Barkigia,
Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowships:
Call for Applications - Applications are being accepted now for the Gertrude and Maurice Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship program. Brookhaven Science Associates created these prestigious fellowships in 2000 and they have since been awarded to approximately 60 postdoctoral researchers. The Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship program provides our scientists with a special opportunity to attract top up-and-coming talent to join research teams at the Lab. The program is also an important tool to help identify exceptional individuals who would qualify for research staff positions at the Lab after their fellowship appointments are complete. The recipients – up to two for this round of the selection process – must have a strong desire for independent research at the frontiers of their fields and will be awarded three-year appointments with a starting annual salary of $105,5000.
Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. no more than three years before the time of their application and their qualifications should align with the Lab’s science and technology portfolio. Consideration will be given to excellent candidates with training in any discipline pertinent to the Lab's mission to deliver expertise and capabilities that drive scientific breakthroughs and innovation for today and tomorrow.
More information for those interested:
If you're interested, visit the Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship website (BNL | Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship | Home) for specific guidance about the application process.
There, you can also find out more about the Goldhabers, for whom the fellowship is named. For those who don't know, Maurice Goldhaber was a physicist and former Lab Director who, among many other contributions, measured the mass of the neutron with James Chadwick in 1934. Gertrude Scharff-Goldhaber was a well-recognized physicist, the first woman Ph.D. employed at the Laboratory, and her research helped set the groundwork for the theory of nuclear motion.
How to Apply
Candidates seeking to apply for this Fellowship should apply online by visiting: BNL | Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowship | Home) and attach the following items to the online application as a single PDF document:
A well-organized research proposal outlining your research interests, not to exceed three pages (literature references don't count toward the three-page limit). Use: Research Proposal Template A CV including a list of publications. Three letters of recommendation are required to complete the application. Candidates must request that their references send their letters of recommendation directly via email to In the subject line, please request that they include the full name of the candidate. Submitting more than three letters does not confer competitive advantage. Only the first three letters received will be included with the application package to the selection committee for review. *All letters must be received by the application closing date of May 9, 2025.
The application is complete when all items have been received. Applications will be accepted from March 24, 2025 until May 9, 2025. We will select up to a total of two recipients in response to this solicitation.
Brookhaven National Laboratory is committed to your success. We offer a supportive work environment and the resources necessary for you to succeed.
Other Information:
Work Arrangement: Onsite
Brookhaven Laboratory is committed to providing fair, equitable and competitive compensation. The starting annual salary for this position is $ 105,500.