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Recruiters. Your niche job platform that cuts through all the clutter

Recruiters. Your niche job platform that cuts through all the clutter

About Us

How many times have you spent over $1000 dollars on a sponsored job with little to show for it? More resumes, no more qualified candidates. Yeah, we've done it. Way too much. We've spent >$1000 on just one JD for a month!

Necessary evil, right?

Platforms like Monster, Indeed, ZipRecruiter or ClearanceJobs might be suitable for certain positions, but a Purple Squirrel with an active Q willing to relocate to New Mexico, FT W2 $135K, immediate hire?


Not even

Waste of money

Waste of time

Most large job sites are crowded, competitive and clunky. It’s almost impossible to get your job noticed without sponsoring a requisition that at minimum costs a few hundred dollars per JD. And that's the low end. After all that, you're still asking yourself what exactly did I get for ROI?

There is a better way.

DOE.jobs is a user-friendly vertical job market platform that focuses on one industry. It focuses on one thing, and one thing only; DOE federal contractor companies and qualified candidates where they live. Savvy job seekers understand the benefits of using a targeted and industry-specific website. When you use targeted recruitment strategies, you’re focusing on the quality of applicants and not the size of your applicant pool.

Precise Targeting: You can aim your job postings directly at candidates most likely interested and qualified for your openings. Instead of shelling out for generic job listings, you're able to "get in the weeds" with candidates "in the weeds" with you.

Boosted Brand Recognition: Recruiting isn't a one-time thing; it's ongoing marketing. By posting on DOE.jobs, you're providing "Top of Mind" brand awareness to job seekers in your sector. It's advertising that keeps you in the minds of both active job hunters and those who might not be looking but could be tempted; the candidates you look for everyday.

Specialized Services: DOE.jobs isn't just about posting jobs; we're like your best buddy. We can create cool extras like keyword strategies tailored to your field, insider info on market trends and salary benchmarks, and other perks that make your recruiting life easier. A bigger bang for the buck.

It's having a partner who gets what you're all about. We've been in the DOE workforce recruiting space for over 25 years.

Networking Nirvana: Believe it or not, DOE.jobs can widen your pool of potential candidates. You might snag the attention of "passive" job seekers casually browsing around because of helpful industry-related content and advice from DOE Workforce News, an intentional content driver to draw in all sorts of folks beyond the usual job seekers. So, even if someone isn't actively job hunting, they might stumble upon your posting and think, "Hey, that sounds sweet!"

The Best Part: $1000 per year subscription. You've spent more than that for one JD. So have we. That's why we've created DOE.jobs. We are you. You'll help us provide you with ROI features and benefits that filled that Purple Squirrel with an active Q willing to relocate to New Mexico, FT W2 $135K, as an immediate hire!

Grow your business by helping us grow your business. Holler at us in LinkedIn or reach out to us directly @ 202-695-3808.

SK Duncan - stan@doe.jobs

Brad Parish - brad@doe.jobs